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Monday, January 10, 2011

Ten on Ten

Ten on Ten
January 10, 2011
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
I love this idea I stole from The Larson Lingo.

For my first 10 on 10 I waited until the 10th fell on a Saturday.....But then I figured....maybe I should document an average day....Who knows?  I may not do this job FOREVER....


Here is my second 10 on 10.

Maddie had a looooong night.  
Horrible cough, Fever....she did NOT want to wake up....
She also did not want to say good-bye to Mommy when she left for work.
(On Monday's she stays home with Brit. Mom was in town too, otherwise I would have stayed home with her...poor baby.....At least I knew she was in good hands.)
On my way to my first appointment.
(yes...your vision is fine.  Those are fingerless gloves.  Laugh if you was 39 degrees this morning, and for this native Californian-that is COLD. So shush Rose. I have to type...OUTSIDE!  I need my fingertips available!  Thank you Santa, I LOVE my new gloves!
My first stop.
This one took about 2 hours....
Snack time.....
I'm working on those resolutions.....
So far, So good!
(still having a tough time with that water thing....)
Came home early for an afternoon snack with Mads.
(she forgave me for leaving her....)
Jack-man stealing some time with Daddy's new IPad before dinner.
He set the table!
(Dad helped with the candle...But he did the rest by himself, including getting the paper towels and silverware out.  Jack told me that he wanted the table to look like a restaurant-He was very upset we didn't have may not be set for royalty..but we're working on steps.)
Dad did bath-time so Mom could get her treadmill time in....since she overslept this morning.... oops!  Thanks Babe!
(No comments from the peanut gallery regarding my time and distance, I'm only 10 days into this work out regiment and I'm taking it slow!)
And finally a kiss good night to a very excited almost Birthday Boy.
(It's still 2 days away, and this boy just won't fall asleep!)

Happy 10 on 10! 
Can't wait to read all of yours!


  1. I'm just saying the fingerless gloves aren't going to work this weekend... and you need the Sodastream!

  2. 21 minutes and over 1.5 miles is good!

  3. I so wanted to do this, but my job photos would be BORING. Yours are much more exciting (holy crap, hope the people in that car were okay...) And, love the photos of the kids... Maddie looks so cute when she is sad like that!
