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Sunday, January 23, 2011

A nice little Saturday...San Francisco edition..

Yesterday I had lunch with this lady.....

and this baby...
Only 23 weeks to go....

When I showed up to Sums, I was reminded of a time long ago....

Beautiful Saturday in the City, weather only a San Francisco Winter can provide.  Soft music playing, yoga mat out, windows open and views for days.....

I felt compelled to inform Summer that these days are numbered....

But she knows....or at least she thinks she knows....

Let's be honest, my apartment in SF never had a yoga mat on the floor, but the rest happened....often....and sometimes, I maybe I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have....

But that's always that way isn't it?

  We lived in San Diego for 3 years, and I can count on one hand how many afternoons were spent at the beach.

We never took advantage of the resident discount at Disneyland.

I never met Shamu.

It's just the way it is.....

I know these days feel hectic, and full and overwhelming at times...

but I know...


I'll miss these days too..

I'll miss the 3am wake up calls....

I'll miss the "She took my toy!"

I'll miss the ear piercing screams....

I will miss it all, and I'm sure think to myself....

I should have enjoyed it more....

So yesterday...

I took it all in.

This is the view from Sums apartment

We walked and talked....and suddenly it was 2003 again....same scene, same long walk Summer always makes me take before she feeds me.....a little different we talk about babies, and children and real estate and husbands....

and clothes and shopping...
(what can I say, somethings never change...)

Sometimes I miss the days when Kim and Summer and I lived on the California line, and planned dinners around watching The Bachelor together....


I feel so blessed to get to spend time with an old friend, and plan our new dinners to come when we are just a short drive from each other in a town not too far away.

Thanks for a great afternoon Sums.
Can't wait to meet your new addition.

and I look forward to many more lunches together....

where ever that may be...
(no pressure..)


  1. I'm so glad you posted these pictures!! How CUTE is Summer??? I miss those days, too... I'm actually watching Sex & the City right now which always reminds me of you and Summer and those nights you would cook for us in your apartment.

  2. Summer looks fabulous! Wish I could have been there, too. How awesome is that apartment?!

  3. Thanks for visiting! I'd love to do that again soon. You make me try new food at my regular spots and new restaurants that I walk by all the time.
