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Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby! It's cold outside!

On Friday I flew 1,500 miles to see this face

and she was completely worth every minute of travel.

This baby is so adorable.

(I may, or may not have raided every accessory Anna was given and tried them on her.....)

The weekend wasn't all dress up and photography.

I was productive!

And I had a Buddy...
Kim flew out too!

We spent Saturday cooking.

We made, Kim's famous pesto.

And my famous Spaghetti sauce.

And this Minestrone soup recipe. 
I had never made the soup before, and added a bit to the recipe above...
(I told you I don't like to follow rules...)

So here are the ingredients we used:
And here is what we added:
2 extra cup of stock
1 can of kidney beans in addition to the white navy beans
1 yellow squash, in addition to the zucchini
Fresh green beans
Fresh basil and parsley in the soup and more for garnish
and the rind of the Parmesan in the stock while it simmered.
Garlic Salt and Red pepper flake to taste.

This soup was delicious.
We had it for dinner on Sunday night.
It's good for you AND tastes yummy!
Try it!
You WON'T be disappointed!

It was so cold there.
We had no choice but to make soup!

Here is a snapshot of Rose's neighborhood.
The HIGH on Sunday was 8.


So cold.
Minnesota is a place where everyone should be wrapped in sherpa at all times....

 I was a little jealous of Anna's wardrobe.....
She has 27 snow suits.
My bet is she will wear ALL of them before she's 1.

We  of course went to Mega.
(also known as The Mall of America)

And Rose mastered her Hooter Hider
We had pedi's
And then did lunch!
MMMmmmmm Margaritas....

Have I mentioned the snow???
We got to see the snow blower in action!
Larry is quite the Snow Veteran.

Quality time was spent with Dan.

And lots and lots of cuddle time
with Anna.

Love her.

So glad I had the opportunity to spend time with Rose and her baby.
It's so hard when one of your best friends lives so far.
But it's wonderful to visit.

Miss them already.
(you too Kim!)


  1. My absolute favorite post... but I'm not biased or anything. Love you guys so much!

  2. I love this post!!! My favorite pictures of all time of Anna (I love her!!). Such a great weekend (even with all the snow...) Miss you guys, too!!

  3. If your spaghetti sauce is famous, why don't I have the recipe? Just sayin'. Kim shares... ;)

    Those snow suits are a CRACK up!

    Anna is getting so big already! Can't wait to snuggle her in March!!!

  4. PS Love the new blog header... I miss those little feet!

  5. Love, love, love, love, LOVE these photos of Anna!

    Also, "Hooter Hider" is the best phrase ever.

    You are awesome, Heidi Kirby.
