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Friday, January 28, 2011

33 things you may not know....

This marking the last day I'm 33, I thought I might tell you a little about those 33 years.

Here are 33 things you may not know about me...

(however, most of you have known me for over 1/2 my life....if not my bet is .... you will know some if not most of these things.)

1) I'm "technically" a Beauty Queen. 
(In 1977 I was voted Most Beautiful Baby in Contra Costa County- that's right ladies and gentlemen I have a trophy and sash and photos to prove it- my whole life when I complained to my mother about my imperfect looks, she would always tell me, no ugly person has ever won a beauty pageant.)

2) My favorite color is Pink.  
(pretty much everyone knows this- I have a pink kitchen, and 50% of my wardrobe is pink....but I love it in all things.  If it's pink. I have to have it.  I'm currently searching for a pink toaster to match my kitchen....Thank god I have an easy going husband who lets me decorate the way I want)

3) I'm one of the few...
(When I was hired for my current position, there were only three women in the state of California that held that position.  10 years later, there is 4.  I'm proud to have held my own in this male dominated industry)

4)I am a junk food junkie.
(I cannot physically leave a 7/11, or a Chevron, or AM/PM without buying one or all of the following: Ranch corn nuts, Chex mix- teriyaki or szechuan flavor only, Twizzlers, Beef Jerky, Cherry Coke Zero....and if I'm really bad..... Almond M and M's or....A Milky Way.....   you can see the problem with my current profession and me being on the road for 90% of the day..... )

5) Following # 4....I think it should be said that my all time favorite food is hands down.....
Gas Station Nachos
with exactly 6 jalepenos and salt.
(Chevron's are the best.....and I know, I being the self proclaimed foodie that I am....I have to admit.....I love them more than anything....)

6) I love to be on stage.
( The acting bug bit me young.  My first play was Mulligan Stew when I was 6- My first speaking role was Augustus Gloop's Mother in Charlie in the Chocolate factory at age 11.  I was actively involved in theater until I met my husband.  The weekend he proposed, I was supposed to audition for my College's production of Noises Off.  I blew the audition off to be with my new found love...little did I know that would be the last audition I'd prepare for.  Clayton has never seen me act.)

7) to follow #6.... My senior year of High School I fell off the stage during a production in front of many, many people.

8)My dream job is to be a Stylist.
(I can dress anyone, for any event in record time.  Give me your size, the event, and your wallet and I can make you look like you just walked out of Vogue.)'s True. Ask Tegan ;) .....

9)I love to go grocery shopping.
( I walk every aisle on a perfect trip...I love to browse and see what's new, and read labels, and meal plan ....I especially love grocery shopping at Whole Foods and Lunardi's....when money is no concern....)

10) I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue....

11) Speaking of stupid bar tricks(#10)....I think it should be said that after enough beers, I will get onstage at a Karaoke Bar and sing Janis Joplin's Bobby Mcgee....
Every.  Time.

12) I can pick anything up with my toes.  My feet are just like an extra pair of hands.
(Clay thinks this trick is amazing...)

13) I drink approximately 6 Coke Zero's a day...(if not more)
I'm not proud of this....I just can't stop.  Except when I was pregnant.  I gave up caffeine and diet sodas...with both kids...from conception through breast feeding.....

14) I'm addicted to Salt.
( I salt everything...I love it....and I know it's so bad for me...My Mother in Law has been known to hide the salt from me at the dinner table to try and save my heart....)

15) I go through 3-5 year love affairs with Country Music Singers.
(When I first met Clay is was Garth Brooks, then Shortly there after, Kenny Chesney, then Tim Mcgraw...currently I'm working my way through all of Brad Paisley's albums)

16) If I'm working on any chore, whether it's cooking, cleaning, or even exercising, I must do it to music. Loud Music.  I like to dance and work....

17)Speaking of dancing.....  In 6th grade I did a complete dance routine to Paula Abdul's Straight up.

18) I have never missed an episode of Jersey Shore.
(I'm totally addicted.  It's a curse.)

19)Speaking of TV..... Favorite Television Show of all time....
Hands Down.

20) I love that I'm Catholic.  And I love that I have friends who believe in my faith just as I do.  It's like our secret bond.  I can look at two of my closest friends in certain situations and they totally get what I'm thinking, without me saying a word...

21) I have gone all the way with my Faith.
There are Seven Sacraments.  I have completed all that apply.  There's only one left...and I'm hoping I don't complete that one for a loooooong, long time.

22) While we are talking about faith....whenever I can't find something...I pray to Little Flower, and it always works....or I say....Tony, Tony Look around what is lost must be found....I'm telling's like the saints are right there...waiting to help you...

23) I have the worst gas on the planet.
That's right.  I said it.
(It's a terrible thing....and what's more of you know this already than I would like....I've been choking poor Clay out for's horrible!  Just know...I can't help it....maybe it's the gas station nachos....)

23) From my heaviest to my lightest, I have lost a total of 120 lbs.  I have kept the weight off for 9 years.

24) My Birthday is my favorite day of the year.  It's usually a month long event...but since the birth of my son on January 12th ...I've had to hand back the first half of the month to him...however....the second half is still all mine....I start bugging Clay about b-day gifts and plans around the 15th....I'm like a 6 year old.  Every. Year.  I loooooove birthdays.

25)I love to eat out at restaurants, but dislike counter service restaurants.
( I like someone to fill my drink and take my order and bring me my plate.  I especially love fancy tablecloths and jacket required places.)

26)while we're on restaurants.....I am determined to have dinner at The French Laundry.
God as my will happen.  Lottery win or not.

27) I love to sing...but can't carry a tune to save my life..... Luckily Madeline has no clue and loves to hear me sing.  I rock her every night while I sing to her....

28)I have been pulled over by a bicycle cop.
In my car.

29) I have been given a field sobriety test.  Twice.  Both times, completely sober.
(I tend to laugh uncontrollably when I'm nervous.....policemen are not a fan of this trait....)

30) When I was 11 I was sent to Charm School.  The class was called Party Time and Manners.
(I still have the white gloves they made us wear....)

31) In 1986 I sold the most Girl Scout cookies in San Bernardino County, and got to go to Camp for free! (I've always been quite the Sales woman.)

32) I love wine.  Specifically California Chardonnays.  My all time favorite: Sonoma Cutrer Russian River Ranches. (It's only available in restaurants, or by the case online....)  Close seconds are La Crema, Grgich Hills, and Cakebread.

33)I used to make fun of my friends who read blogs....and now I'm secretly addicted..... I feel I should publicly apologize to my close friends.  I love reading blogs and writing blogs and finding new blogs.....I'm sorry.  You guys were right, and I think all the time that I should have listened to you sooner......So Thank you.  All of you...that pushed me to do this.
You. Were. Right.

Stay tuned....Tomorrow...Special Guest Blogger in Honor of my Birthday!


  1. I love this list!! Especially the ones I was there for (umm.... lots).
    Happy Almost Birthday!!

  2. 1. For the record, I was the ORIGINAL blogger. Even before Heather. So there.

    2. I am kind of pissed about your secret Catholic club. That's messed up. Go ahead, give Jaime and Rose a look now. BUT, I forgive you because...

    3. You CAN work magic with a wardrobe. It's a gift.

    4. Really? You got pulled over by a bicycle cop? I'm going to need to hear that story tomorrow night.

    5. Can't wait to celebrate tomorrow!!! Love you!!! :)

  3. This is awesome. I can't believe you wrote about your gas... or that you thought somebody might not know about it. ;) J/K! I sooo wish we lived in the same town... my wardrobe would be so much better. Plus, I would love to be able to go to fancy restaurants (and Chevron, of course) together. I love you!

  4. I think I knew all of those things! Must be our secret club...
