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Thursday, January 20, 2011

18 Months!

Today Maddie is a year and a half.

Here's what she's up to:

Madeline is still madly in love with shoes
 (sometimes I can only get her dressed if I bribe her with sparkly ones)

She knows exactly what she wants, and will tell you.

Currently her favorite word is no.
(pronounced Owww)

Sometimes she will say Yes.
(pronounced Yaas)

When she needs something, water, a snack, a toy, etc - she points to it and says Momma, Momma- regardless of who is helping her with that item.

Please is pronounced Pies.

Thank you is still Tank Too.

She loves to play with Nitney (Brit) 

Her favorite way to spend her time is hangin with Lynne next door.  I will be in mid conversation with Lynne, and Mads will wiggle out of my arms, walk right in to her house and try and close the door on my face.  
( she has to have alone time with Lynne at least once a week, if not more...)

Whenever she sees my camera, she stops what she's doing and says "Cheeeeeee!"

She will dance at any given moment.  Regardless of where we are, if there's music, she's a bouncin.

Most nights she goes down with ease, after I sing her the Na-night song and rock her for three verses.

She is doing very well at school and loves NuNu. (Benu)  She plays well with others, and is learning to share.  Most days are spent hogging the 6 baby dolls her daycare has.  She will carry them all at once, and calls them all Momma.

She will eat anything.  And I mean ANYTHING. 
(last night I picked up some olives and marinated mushrooms from the antipasto bar at Safeway.  I am not exaggerating when I say she ate most of the container)

She is not a fan of Trigger.  She screams when he gets anywhere near her, and when you ask her what is wrong she points to poor Trig and says "out".  
(it's hard to blame her, she's been whacked quite a number of times by that ever-wagging tail of his)

We have started 1,2,3 Magic with Madeline.
When I get to "Madeline, That's 2...."
She looks at me and says, "Tooooooo, Tooooooo, Toooooo."
(sometimes it's very hard to get to three....)

She loves to have her hair brushed and styled.
Especially if bows and ponytails are involved.

She is so much fun.

I'm so glad this girly girl, had a girly girl.

I know, I know....

It may not last...

But a *girl* can dream.....