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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Maddie's 1 year-ish trip to the doctor

Since Maddie was born we have had many, many trips to the doctor.  Kaiser usually wants to see babies under one about every three months.  Clay usually is with me for every visit.  Sometimes there are shots....sometimes not.   Our pediatrician told us at Maddie's 9 month visit that he would not need to see her until she was 14 months.  No 1 year visit.  I was bummed because I like to know how she is progressing and how she stacks up against other kids her age.  Well, last Thursday we finally had the appointment.  Clay was so busy this week with work, there was no way he could make the appointment.  I had to go it alone. I was most upset because I was pretty sure this was a shot visit.  Clay ALWAYS does the shot visit.  Maddie had no clue what was in her future when I woke her up to start her day:

(She has figured out how to undress herself..... or try to undress herself....)

The visit went well.  She is right on track for growth and development. The Pediatrician was happy and so was I.  Here are her stats:

Height: 32 inches - 90th percentile against children her age.
Weight: 21 lbs - 30th percentile 

Tall and Thin....  


We discussed Madeline's progress, her vocabulary, and motor skills.

I told him how Madeline loves to climb.  She likes to climb on EVERYTHING.  She can make it all the way up to the top of the kitchen table.  And then she will stand there like it's Mt. Everest.  She doesn't walk. She runs.  Mostly after her brother, who she adores.  She likes to eat everything.  And I mean everything.  Her favorites include, yogurt, strawberries, rice, chicken, cucumbers, pickles, cheese (any type-feta, cream, blue, swiss, cheddar...anything cheese...I think she gets this from Aunt Lindsey) avocados, spaghetti, Indian food, Chinese food and she will even eat sauerkraut.  She can say, Dog, ki-ki (kitty) Ja-Ja (Jack) Ma-Ma, Da-Da, Ni-yose (nose) and Nah-nigh (night-night).  Everything else she grunts and points to.  But if you tell her to pick up her shoes, she does, and if you tell her to tickle Daddy's feet, she goes over to his toes touches them and says ti-ti-ti (for tickle tickle)  She makes friends where ever we go and waves to everyone, people at the bank, in the car we are next to at a stop light, at the next dinner table at a restaurant, pretty much everyone. She loves to dance, and sing.  She especially loves it if more than one person sings the same song simultaneously, she thinks that is the most amazing thing in the world.  Maddie will stop whatever she is doing and dance if she hears music playing.  Any form. Any toy that sings, the grocery store, television commercials.  I can't blame her...some times you just gotta dance.   I of course went on and all Mothers who think they have the most adorable, perfect, genius child on the planet. 

The doctor listened patiently and then dropped the bomb.  He informed me that Madeline would be getting 5 shots today.  5 SHOTS.  That should be illegal.

Maddie happily took her sticker from the nurse and toddled down the hall to the shot room.  It had been awhile, so she had no idea what this room had in store for her.  (We can barely get Jack in the door of the room).  They called Madeline's name and in we went.  The nurse politely asked me to hold Madeline's arms down.  She would be putting two shots in each thigh and one to the back of the arm.  Great. Can't wait. 

By now she was on to us.  She had started to squirm, and fuss and was not happy to be on my lap.  I had to hold her firmly so she couldn't move.  

The first shot went in.  

I have never heard Madeline cry like that. Never.  I immediately started to ball.  Maddie was screaming, and I was sobbing.  I felt so terrible.  

With each shot the cries got worse.  For both of us. 

The nurse was finally done.  

Maddie just laid in my arms while I rocked her, our cries both softening.  I know the nurse thought I was a complete baby.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw her roll her eyes as I kept repeating to Maddie "I'm so sorry" as I rocked her.

I scooped Maddie up and tried to get myself together before walking back into the waiting room.  It's one thing to carry a child out of the shot room with tears running down her cheeks, it's not as acceptable for the parent.  As I reached for the handle the nurse gently touched my arm and said "Maybe next time, Dad comes instead?"   I smiled and nodded.  There's no "maybe", next time Dad WILL be here, I thought to myself.

Maddie whimpered the whole way home.  Poor thing. 

She had a bit of a rough day on Friday, but was back to her old self by Saturday morning.  All the trauma long forgotten.


  1. Aw, baby!! Both of you! I'm sure I will be the same way.

  2. Shots are the WORST! And then they put the stupid bandaids on that you have to rip off later... adding insult to injury. Awful. Maddie is awesome! She sounds like she is doing amazing. Yay girls!

  3. Awwww, poor baby. I'm so sorry. And for Madeline too. There should have been two nurses doing it at the same time! Shame on them!

  4. I think the "shot room" is a crazy idea. Seriously, are there claw marks on the outside of the door from kids fighting to stay outside?

  5. I have three words: alternative vaccination schedule

    Happier babies. Happier mommies. And next time bring candy... for both of you... :)

  6. I HATE shot day. But Maddie is SO cute! I love to hear about everything she is doing these days!
