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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kickin it with GiGi

Let's just say that Jack is taking some time adjusting to having Madeline at school with him.  He's falling back into some old behaviors that are....ummmm...not the best.  So we have had many discussions with him lately.  He needs to listen to his teacher, follow the classroom rules, and work his hardest to be on his best behavior.  We have talked until we are blue in the face for two weeks.  It was time for some bribery.

Thursday night after I picked Jack up from school we stopped at GiGi's (my grandmother) house.  Jack went straight to her "secret" hiding place for cookies.  The box was empty.  Jack looked at GiGi with his best puppy dog eyes and said "GiGi there all gone" (I wish I could say it for you...he has the slightest New York accent some it sounded kinda like this: "Gigi dare awl gone.")

She smiled and said... "I know Jack!  I will just have to make some for your tomorrow."

I immediately replied.  "Only good boys that listen in school get to eat cookies, and really good boys, get to help make them!"

Gram immediately picked up on what I was putting down.  "Jack, if you are a good boy tomorrow at school, would you like to come over and help me make cookies?"  She said to him.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, followed by, "I am going to be SO good tomorrow! ( little New Yorker).

I dropped him off and very loudly announced to his teacher that Jack would be going to GiGi's to make cookies if he listened and worked very hard on his behavior today.

Jack was so good at school.  I talked to his teacher and she said that he was the best he has been in two weeks.  Yay!  So off to GiGi's he went.

I usually hang out with Gram after I get off work, and help bake, or cook or just sit and chat, but tonight I new it was important that Jack have some GiGi time alone.

I spent my evening baking for the dinner party we were going to Saturday night (more on that later). By 7:30 I started to worry.  I called Gram and asked if everything was okay.  She told me she would have to call me right back.


I had visions of Jack in her Llardro cabinet, breaking things that are totally irreplaceable.  Before my mind could wander too far she called me back.

"Hi dear! Jack was wondering if he could spend the night!?" I could hear Jack in the background, praying I said yes.

"Are you sure, Gram?" I asked, knowing how exhausting Jack can be. That boy is one ball of energy.

"Yes. We will be fine!" She sounded almost as excited as Jack.

I started to think about all the wonderful times I spent with Gram as a child.  How much I loved going to her house to visit.  And what an extra special treat it was when I got to spend the night. We had so much fun together.  And we still do..even if the sleepovers ended..

"I guess, if your up to it, but Gram, if he wants to come home, or you are too tired, just call me and we will be right over."

"I will be fine dear.  He will be fine. Everything will be fine! Have a good night!" She said and hung up the phone.

I turned to Clay.  "That's one brave 80 year old" he said with a smile.  (I have to say this, because I know Gram reads my blog.  She's not 80. She's much much younger ;) - Love you Gram!)

I heard nothing. All night, no calls, nothing. By 7:30am I started to worry.

"Hi Gram! How did it go??"

"Oh, just fine Dear!  He slept all night and woke up at 6:30!" (which is pretty good for Jack, he usually gets up at 5).  They baked cookies, and went to the pool for a quick dip, watched Nanny Mcphee and had some good quality time.  Jack had a blast.

I will say she looked pretty tired. But I am so happy they had some alone time together.  He loves her so much.

Gram is a trooper!

When I arrived to pick him up Jack couldn't wait to show me the Murphy bed he finally got to sleep in. He loves that bed, it's always up and the grand kids never get to pull it down.

Gram made him waffles...

Complete with homemade syrup! Gram is the best!

We love you Gram! 
Jack can't wait for his next sleepover!


  1. If I'm good can I go bake cookies with GiGi? And if I'm super good can I spend the night and have waffles in the morning?

    (Love you too, Gram!)

  2. Love love love this post! So sweet. Gram is awesome!

  3. I totally remember spending every Wednesday night at my great grandpa's house growing up-- I will cherish those memories for as long as I live. Jack is so, so lucky!

  4. I'm so jealous that Jack got to sleep in that Murphy Bed! I, too, remember sleeping at my grandparents house...only we made "Googey Eggs!" Maybe tomorrow for breakfast...
