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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mom Saves the day! (and week)

Remember when I said we left our Saturday night early to tend to Madeline.....


Guess who caught her little "bug"

That's right....

Yours truly.

Thank God My Mom was in town this week.

Monday night it hit me. 


Tuesday Morning I was on the phone with Mom crying to please come help me.

There is nothing worse than being sick....

Except maybe, being a sick Mom with a sick child.

It took everything in me to get up with Maddie on Tuesday Morning.  And even more to make her breakfast.  She felt terrible.  I felt terrible.  And all we wanted were our Mom's.

Mom came to my rescue at 9am....and has been here ever since.  

I'm not exaggerating when I say I would not have made it without her. 

Here we are at our worst:
(so nice of Mom to grab the camera when we are completely defenseless)

Poor Maddie fell asleep in her lunch

We both
were a mess.

Thank god we are finally on the road to recovery

So thank you Mom.

Thank you for all you did.

The meals you made.
The mess you cleaned.
The laundry you folded.
The attitudes you put up with.

Thank you for being you.
I appreciate you.


I Love you


  1. Mom saves the day again! Poor Kirby girls...

  2. Aw! I'm so sorry you were (both) sick!!! Worst feeling ever!! So glad your mom was there to help.
