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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Benny!

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

As you know I have three brothers, who I love very much.

But Benny.....

Benny is special.


I was 10 when Ben was born.  And I can not tell a lie.  I wanted a Sister.  More than anything.  I wanted someone I could play dress up with, and hang out with and be silly with.  I had two brothers and felt that was good enough.


Mom came home with Benjamin and I decided to make the best of it. 

He was the sister I never had.

I wish I had pictures of him letting me dress him up in my clothes, and party-ing it up with my friends  when I had slumber parties. He was always a hit with my girlfriends.  In fact...he still is.

He is hilarious and fun and I love the guy. 
So much. 
 I wouldn't trade him for a sister for all the money in the  world.  And coincidentally, the sister I prayed and prayed for as a child...... was in my future....just not my immediate future, and that baby boy that came home back in 1987 is the same boy that would someday grant me my wish.

Ben is set to Marry one of my Best Friends in March of 2012.  And I will finally have that sister I always wanted.

Everyone loves Ben.
I have similarities with all of my brothers, but out of the the three Ben and I are the most alike.  He's the life of the party, a performer, the center of attention.  He loves to cook, and dance and drink Beer.  He's caring and sweet, and family is very important to him.

He loves my kids...

And they love him.

He is also very close with my significant other...
they tend to be
at times....

Ben and I have a *unique* relationship....
Which I love.....

Because no matter what
He'll always be my baby brother.

Love you Benny!

My bet is this will be your best year yet!


  1. Love it! Ben has a way of always brightening up a room!

  2. Love the birthday posts. :) Happy Birthday Benny!

  3. Dude, your brother is HILARIOUS. Love these photos! Cracked up the whole time I was reading this... Happy Birthday, Ben!
