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Sunday, September 19, 2010

No rest for the weary....

How is it I am more tired at the start of my week than I am at the end of my week?  All week I look forward to Friday night....and before I know it Monday is here again.  Weekends are a blur these days.  And with our current schedules, the weekends we spend as a family are few and far between.  This weekend was one dedicated to just us. All weekend.

And I'm pooped.

Isn't that awful?  I am so exhausted. Having two kids and a husband is hard work!  I know, I know, My Mom had 4 kids, my Gram had 5 kids, my close friends have 3 kids....blah, blah, blah.  Fine.  I admit it. I'm a wimp, a total and complete whiny baby...who clearly needs a nap.

That being said...with every moment of exhaustion, comes great joy.

Example one:

Maddie is now tall enough to reach places she has never been able to reach before.  Today, I heard her saying Mama, Mama....again and again....I didn't turn immediately because I was preoccupied with the other one who just wants to help me make dinner... "Jack don't touch that knife, Jack stop eating all the olives, Jack don't touch the cheese grater...."  I turned my head, and Madeline had my full soda off the table and she was holding it above her head. She saw that she now had my full and complete attention, I lunged to grab the can, and was too slow.  She turned it over, all over herself, the floor and her brand new outfit. 

Diet Orange soda. Everywhere.

As proud as could be she hands the soda can to me with a huge smile and says "Tank Too".

How can you yell?  Thank you? She kills me....

She also likes to get into everything that is Moms.  She likes to try on my shoes, and type on the computer and talk on the phone.

Today I was doing my normal, run around the house like a mad woman looking for everything you need before you leave routine....

I couldn't find the diaper bag....

No need to fear.  Maddie had it all under control and was heading for the door.....

Example 2:

Jack was into EVERYTHING today. I mean everything. Every button we had, he pushed it.  It's like his need for attention was on overload.  As we were putting all the groceries away today. He HAD to help.  Help unload the car, help put the groceries away, he wanted to eat everything we purchased right at that moment.  I had my back turned to the pantry as I was unloading bags.  CRASH.  4 cans hit the floor.

"Jack! What are you doing?"

"I-I was just looking at the colors on the olive can....I'm sorry...."

Poor Jack. 

I felt awful.  All he wants to do is help and his Mother has no patience....

Example 3:

At the end of the night tonight I was upstairs relaxing....I could hear Jack bouncing up the stairs.  It didn't take him long to find me.

He had a disguise on....

"Are you a Mummy?"

"No..." He whispered.  " I'm a Ninja"

It was everything in me to not laugh. 

"Oh! Pretty cool buddy!"

He immediately ran out of the room and back down the stairs "She thinks it's cool Dad!"

On a side note...for my Mother of the Year award....

This is the only way we could do our grocery shopping today in peace:

That's right.

Daddy gets the cart with the two kids and the two happy meals....

Mom gets the cart with the groceries.

Don't hate.

You do what you gotta do.

So sad to see the weekend sad to see the week begin.....

Maybe I'll rest when I'm 40......


  1. Oh Lady...I know!!! Jack DID look pretty awesome!
    And you're right...just as you think you're at the end of your rope...they remind you how cute and innocent they really are! It's those small moments that make us remember how blessed we are and how much we take for granted.

  2. I love your hopefulness, thinking you'll be able to rest at 40. It's actually kind of cute. I won't spoil the disillusion. I'm so glad you're able to savor the moments. They pass too quickly. And I cannot believe Madeline is old enough to be eating Happy Meals!

  3. Love this, especially the image of Madeline pouring orange soda over her head.

  4. When you're 40 our kids will be old enough to spend entire weeks with their grandparents (thanks, Momare!) while we're vacationing in Europe... that's totally going to happen, right?
