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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Family Fun Night!

Tuesday nights are all you can eat pizza at our local Round Table.  Mom and Dad were down visiting and we all went together. 

There are puzzles, and games, and face painting, and balloons, and chaos and screaming children, and of course, pizza.

Jack LOVES Family fun night at "Pizza Land" (his special name for Round Table).

We let him roam around and make friends with the other kids, and because my Mom was there, he had an endless supply of quarters.  One for each kiss he gives her.  He is quite eager to kiss that cheek....over and over again.....and she gladly keeps shelling out those quarters....

Tonight, Jack was found at the Face Painting table.  It was the longest I have ever seen him sit in one place.

I explained to Jack, that it was perfectly fine to have our face painted, but that we would still be taking a bath and washing our face before bed.

Jack was devastated by this news.


He was I looked in my rear view mirror on my way home at this little face......

It was SO Awesome.


  1. Did you make him take a bath? You are so mean!

  2. I so need to come down on a Tuesday night. Awesome! :)

  3. Just look at that face! Of course there's an endless supply of quarters!

  4. I will volunteer to be the face painter at Jack's next birthday party-- and I'll even dress up as a ninja. :)
