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Monday, September 13, 2010

Madeline starts the long haul of education.

Today was Madeline's first day of school. Currently it will be daycare, but it will turn into her pre-school.  Jack has been there for a year and a half and has done very well.  For months now, when I drop Jack off, I bring Maddie in to get familiar with the facility and the other kids.  9 times out of 10 I leave carrying her under my arm, kicking and screaming because she wants to stay.   So I knew today being her first day, there would be no clutching of my leg or crying when I leave.

Jack is up at the lake with my Mom having a little Oma and Opa time, so it was just the two of us this morning.  I thought she might be a little shy without Jack......but no...She RAN from the car to the door:

She immediately sat down.  Ready to start her day.

I wish I had a better picture of her and her teacher, but Maddie has not been camera friendly lately...

Ms. Benu.  We LOVE her!
(please note, Maddie pulling the bow from her head-she's awesome)

I know, it's just a matter of time until I'm uploading the first day of high someone else I know...


  1. How can this be? You JUST had her! Ugh... I am so not ready for that moment...

  2. I love her first day of school outfit.

  3. I love her outfit, too! But obviously she was not all that pleased with the bow...
