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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Topher!

Happy Birthday Chris!!


As most of you know, I am the oldest of four children.

It is also well known, I was an only child for 7 years.

And then came Christopher.

I was so excited to finally have a sibling.  I remember the day he was born.  I was at school and came home to Grandma Robertson at the house, I knew what that meant.....

The new baby would soon be home!

I remember being so excited to hold him.
He was so adorable.

Christoper learned my name very quickly....I remember my name being one of his first words....Mostly to rat me out.  :)  I can still here him shout it.  Hiiiiiiii Deeeeeee!

I was also the only one that could understand him.  My Mom would look at me and say "What did he say?"

"He said he wants some Milk."

I laugh now, because Jack has become Madeline's translator...

Ahhhhh the circle of life.


I wish I could have found pictures of me dressing him up in every item in my closet.
Or reading him my Dr. Seuss books.
Or sharing bunk beds together.

****Please prepare yourself for the next photo.....if anyone ever doubted that I lost is your proof below****

Christopher was diagnosed with Diabetes at a very young age.  He got very, very sick, very, very quickly.   We were so frightened when he was first diagnosed.  I'm so impressed with how well he has done over the years maintaining his health.  He's doesn't mind talking about it, or answering questions.
He is so patient with my kids.
Jack loves his Uncle Chris so much.  He loves to do bike tricks with him, and play outside, and of course-Party at Chuck E Cheeses.  His whole face lights up when he sees Chris walk through our front door.

Chris has an amazing sense of humor.  The things that come out of his mouth are hilarious.  He'll pop by now and then, just to stop by and say Hi, hang with the kids and check in.  I love that.  Chris is super easy going.  Nothing really phases him, he just rolls with the punches.  He has been around for an occasional meltdown, and he is so good at calming my kids.  He's a natural!

I know I talk about wanting a sister a lot, but I have to admit.  I really like having three brothers.  They are all so unique and have their own personalities.  It's nice to have them around.  I know they have my back, no matter what.  And I know they will always be there. It's a nice feeling.  I know Mom and Dad won't be around forever (which is a topic I never like talking about or ever bring up) But sometimes I think about it.   I love that I know I have family.  And as much as they roll their eyes at me, they always show up when I ask them to be somewhere, and I know I'm important to them.

And they are important to me.

So Happy Birthday Christopher.

I'm so glad you are my Brother.

I love you!


  1. Love that last picture of the two of you. :)

  2. You have a third brother?! Just kidding. We need to see more of Topher!

  3. In that 1st picture of you, you look just like your kids. I love that last pic too!
