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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

I have decided to do a dedicated Blog Entry for everyone who is important in my life on their Birthday for one year.  To make it fair, I’m starting this tradition today.  So if your Birthday happened to land prior to today’s date, no need to fear, your time will come.

My Dad and Aunt Kathy have the same Birthday.  I figured I'd start the year off with my Dad, and finish the year with Aunt Kath.

This last week I was away on business and was unable to update my Blog daily.

My Dad’s Birthday was Monday November 8th, which happened to be the first day of my Business Trip across the country.

Dad I apologize for the delay.  But of all people, I know you won’t mind if I’m a bit belated with your wishes.

My Dad and I have always had a unique relationship.  I know he has struggled in the past with having a daughter.  To put it mildly my Dad is a guys guy.

He likes to Fish, and repair classic vehicles, and Fish, and Nascar, and Fish and Hockey and Fish and Water-ski and… get the idea.

If Boys do it.  Dad does it.  And he has three sons.  My three outdoorsy, Hockey playing, Water-sking, Car rebuilding, Fishing Brothers.

And then there is me.  And if you know me….. ummmmmm.......Not so much…..

Don’t get me wrong.  He tries.  He has always tried.  He just never understood why I HAD to have Guess Jeans, or LA Gear shoes.  In fact he still struggles with the thought of me paying more than 29.99 for a pair of jeans now.… ( I don’t think I’ll mention how much the Citizens I’m wearing cost me….)

He’s not a fan of Make-up.  (So he says…but you bet your ass when Mom walks out of her room dressed to the Nine with full hair and make-up- his eyebrows go up and a smile goes on his face)

He would rather have a night out at Caspers Hot Dog’s then a night out at any restaurant with table cloths.

But he does try and is always there for me even through our tough times…(I would say mostly the years with the word “teen” behind them.) 

I realize as I get older how hard he tried to be all the Dad he could be.  And how hard this parenting thing really is!  

So Dad…. Here are some highlights of my favorite memories of you.

You were my first date.  I remember just you and I going to watch Back to the Future in 1985 just the two of us, and I got to pick whatever candy I wanted from the counter, AND I got my own popcorn.  (Dad doesn’t share popcorn well….. If you’ve ever watch a movie with him, just pop your own….or you may go hungry)

You purchased me my first fabulous fashionable item.  (Dad had business in Colorado, or Montana. I can’t remember where, and he brought me home an amazing suede black fringed coat.  He had intended it to be a Christmas gift, but gave it to me as soon as he got home, because he could not wait.  It was September. I remember it being so hot that Fall, but I didn’t care.  I wore that coat everywhere and sweated my heart out.  I searched high and low, but could not find any pictures to attach of the coat…..Awesome does not begin to describe it’s fabulousness)

You were always at any production I was involved in at school.  You were front row and center for my part as King Duncan in Macbeth, and complimented me on my dancing skills after my lip synch competition to Paula Abdul’s Straight Up.

You have attempted to teach me how to water-ski 1,237,987 times….and you will pull the boat around, time and time again after I repeatedly fall and you never get frustrated.  (Even after the millionth time you have to yell from the boat to me in the water “Lean back! Pull your knees to your chest!)

You patiently taught me how to drive. (Even though I ripped the Grille off your work truck and ran over Nicholas’s BMX….those minivans are high!  Who knew there was a bike in the driveway!….)

When I wanted to run off to LA and be a big movie star, you told me you would stand behind any decision I made and encouraged me to follow my dreams… (Instead I ran off and eloped…but that’s a different story….)

When Clay and I bought our home, you helped me paint the entire house.  And didn’t complain.  Not even once.  (you also helped me move about a million different times, and redid our current kitchen floor and fix anything that is broken every time you come to visit…)

You were there the day I gave birth to both my children, and are an amazing Grandfather to them both.

The list could go on and on.

Thank you Dad for all you do.  

Happy Birthday.

I love you.


  1. This post made me cry. Happy Birthday, OMC!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Such great pictures. :) Oh how I wish I could have seen you in that black jacket with the fringe though...

  3. Aw, so sweet! Great photos. Happy birthday to your dad!

  4. Love this post.

    Not feeling the love, however. *sigh*

    I still love you more than my luggage.


  5. Oh no! Ang!!! It's been so long since the days when I would steal you for your birthday and take you to breakfast! I still love you!!! And I did wish you happy happy on facebook...which is not quite the same....

    Miss you!!

    We need to get those nasty states out our way so we can be closer together!!!!~
