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Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

It is no secret that I love to shop.

Black Friday is like my Olympics.

I love everything about the day after Thanksgiving.
I look forward to it all year.

I love going through the Ads.
I love making my plan of attack.
I love getting up early.
I love the fight of the crowd.
I love finding the perfect gift, at the perfect price.

I do have a few "musts" for my day to go well.

I must have a buddy.
I must have more than one "hot" item I'm in search of.
I must have lots of caffeine.
I must listen to Christmas music as I drive from store to store.

Today I was completely prepared.

I had a list, with coordinating Ad.
I had my Mom and Brit.
I had Diet Cokes.
96.5 on the Radio. 

I was ready.

The only difference to my experience this year, is Thanksgiving and Black Friday became one this year.

Please note time on dash. 
(and the station on the stereo......I love this time of year and that KOIT plays Christmas music for the ENTIRE season.)

Black Friday started THURSDAY at 10pm.
The line for Toys R Us was longer then you could ever imagine.  
It was even too much for me....
And I was prepared for the worst.

But we made the best of it.
and finally made it in.

Just when I thought we had made it through the worst....
We arrived at Target
I told Brit to stay focused
And keep her eye on the prize
We were in and out in 34 minutes with everything from our list.

We definitely brought our "A" game.

Here is the list of stores that we made it to.

Toys R Us
Toys R Us Express
Old Navy
Both Levels of Sun Valley Mall


 Country Waffles
Mmmmmm Fries for Breakfast.
(Brit and I were both falling asleep at the table.  10pm to 8:30am was rough.  Mom outlasted us both!)

Here is the Loot!
Well...most of the loot....
(We can only show you what my "non-readers" are receiving...)

Black Friday to me means the beginning of my favorite Season.

And I'm ready!

Bring on Christmas!


  1. Dude. You ARE crazy. You don't mess around. Wow. This was exhausting just reading about it. You go Girl! Sleep is more important to me than saving money! LOL!

  2. You are HARD CORE. I don't know if you could handle me shopping at that hour... it would be like when I am "helping" you cook in your kitchen and you just give me the evil eye like I am slowing you down... ;) Love you!

  3. LOVE IT.

    Last year, we decided we'd go to the outlet mall at midnight, which is when it opens here. I literally thought there would be nobody there and we'd just wander on down there nonchalantly and check it out, then wander on back. It takes 40 minutes to drive to the best outlet malls here. It took us ANOTHER 40 minutes after we exited the highway until we got our car parked (should've taken about seven minutes under normal circumstances). It was NUTS.

    Based on that experience, my hat is off to you!
