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Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's 3am...Do you know where your yoplait is?

My day started this morning at 3:30am. That's right. A.M. We have been weaning our daughter off her bottle at the advice of her daycare and her pediatrician. She's 1 now, and blah, blah, blah.... whole milk and no nipples- Yay! It's been a week. I'm ready to shove a bottle in her mouth.  But I don't.  Because I remember what it was like with our son Jack, and weaning him from the bottle. At 2. (bad parents!)  So.... for the last week, I get up. And I rock, and I walk and I shove cheerios and yogurt and cheese (everything but the bottle) in her mouth and then gently put her back to sleep. Which usually, she begrudgingly lays back down and usually falls back asleep.  USUALLY.  Not today. Today, as I stumbled down the stairs to the fridge and just barely cracked it enough to slip my arm in and pull out the yoplait to feed her by the light of the fridge, she turned her head and laid it on my shoulder.  She was not hungry, she was just done sleeping. Awesome.  I stumbled back up the stairs, changed her pants (dry) and realized her sippy cup was empty.  I went to the bathroom to fill it up and stepped in a nice little present my cat had left for me outside of her litter box.  Double Awesome. I cursed a bit, and then gently placed Madeline in her bed.  The screaming began, and continued until 4:20.  As I laid there I started to think about all the people I loathed at that moment.  I was not so happy with my stupid pediatrician, and the rules for one year olds.  Nor was I too keen on Madeline's soon-to-be day care provider who firmly instructed me she must be off the bottle before she begins there in the Fall.  Adding to that list was my cat of the last 13 years, who is just pissed there is competition for some attention in the household, and finally my wonderful husband who could sleep through a Mack truck driving through our bedroom.  Which is when I went in her room and brought her into our bed. Where my wonderful husband was gently snoring the night away.  If I'm not sleepin', ain't nobody sleepin'....  Madeline, who is COMPLETELY  a Daddy's Girl was thrilled to be with her favorite person and started to crawl all over him repeating Da Da again and again.  And Clay, being the great guy that he is, got up with her.  And just as his feet hit the bottom step of the stairs, the knob of my son's door opened, and our day had started.  We were at Noahs having bagels by 7am. Showered.  Dressed. And ready for our day. I mean, really.. How can you be frustrated at these two adorable faces???

A little Noah's makes everything better....

1 comment:

  1. Agreed about Noahs. And also agreed about the 'if I'm not sleeping ain't nobody sleeping' philosophy.
