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Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's about time....

It was bound to happen.   Free babysitting for four and a half years is a pretty long streak.  We have been very fortunate with family and friends watching our children for our date nights and everything else for that matter-free of charge.  I felt like it was time to branch out. Become an adult, bite the bullet and hire a sitter. 

I have never felt more like a grown up than I did tonight.

There are pluses and minuses to having a babysitter.

First. Here is the number one downfall of hiring a sitter. 

They don't know the real you. 

When I have my Mom, or Grandmother or Brothers someday-to-be wife watch my kids, they know we are pigs.  There I said it.  We are total and complete pigs and the only way my house ever gets clean is when I throw a party. True story.  That is probably the #1 reason I volunteer to throw parties at my house.  It's the only way anything ever "really" gets cleaned. Or decorated. So I don't really have to clean most of the time, because they know the truth.  But when It's someone who has never been to your home, and may be reporting to others....You have to kick into high gear and get your sh*t together.

Of course we waited until the last minute and were cleaning like mad until the doorbell rang.

She was early. 

My upstairs never saw the vacuum...oh least I had time to clean the pee off the guest bathroom floor..... (I wish I was joking)

Second. All I was thinking the entire time we were gone was how much it was costing us as the hours flew by.  I know that is awful, but it's true...with each tick of the clock I was adding up the percentage of shoe I could have bought with Tegans discount at Banana Republic.  I was up to one and a half pairs by the end of the night.

Third.  Once I got past the cost, I started to feel like we were taking too long..... Like I had a curfew again....I kept thinking....she's waiting.....

In reality. There were so many more pluses than minuses.

The kids had a great time. Both were asleep and happy when we came home.  They ate pizza and played games and had the time of their lives. The house was cleaner than when we left and Clay and I had a great date night. Giants played a horrible game, but the nachos were delicious and the company could not have been more fun.

We will do it again. For sure.

With that said, I am still in disbelief.

I can't believe I'm old enough to hire a babysitter....  I can still remember being the babysitter....

And part of me still feels like that 14 year old girl sitting on Mrs. Burns couch reading her People magazine hoping she pays me enough to buy that floral dress I wanted for Homecoming....

Where does the time go?


  1. I remember making $7 an hour babysitting and thinking I was rolling in the dough. Good times.

  2. AH! I think I have a picture of a floral homecoming dress. I'll have to dig around because I just KNOW you want to see it!

  3. Mmmmm, nachos. And L - $7/hr??? You WERE rolling in it! I'm glad you guys got to go out!

  4. So fun! I am so glad you guys went. And we are definitely going to have to take advantage of the discount on Wednesday...
