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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miss Independent

There was a time when I was needed.  Those days seem numbered. This lady wants to do it all herself.

Cheerios are a necessity in the car on the way to drop off Jack.
(please note her favorite Ki-Ki next to her)

There is no riding.  Only pushing. And there is no assistance accepted... Or all Hell breaks loose....

SHE has to do it. Every time. (this one I win occasionally...darn velcro can be so tricky....)

She likes to swim with the big kids....
(We love Aunt Lynne and her awesome hot tub one gate over...)

The phone is a must have at all times...

Miss Maddie.
You gotta love a girl who knows what she wants!
(even at the ripe old age of 1)


  1. Seriously, that smile. She's killing me! So cute! And, I feel you on the independence thing...

  2. Ummm, were you expecting anything less?? After all, she IS her mother's daughter. And, really, when you think about it, it's a good thing.

  3. I keep waiting for the day Mason is going to want to do stuff on his own. I mean, stuff besides taking all his clothes off and removing every lid from every spice jar in the house. Those, he's got down.

  4. She is an old soul (like her aunt summer whom she has never met but will someday love). So cute! She looks like her mommy.
