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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jack Turns 7

Twice a year we do a family photo shoot. 

Once in January. Once in July.

One shoot per child so I can see them grow. 

After meeting Mia Hope at Tegan's Wedding, I knew Mia Hope was the photographer for us.

Thank you Mia Hope for once again perfectly capturing the essence of my family.

We. Love. You. 

So here are some of my Fav's for your viewing pleasure......


  1. These are AWESOME! Love the one of you and Maddie laying down. Jack is adorable. I can't believe he is 7.

  2. I love the side profile of Maddie. So freakin' cute.

  3. Okay, let me just say....I cannot believe such a beautiful girl came from me. You take my breath away.
