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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome Baby Owen!

In January one of my very close friends had a baby...

And we all decided we should fly out and Welcome him into the world properly.
So that's just what we did....
Hi Owen!

And while we were there we got to visit a bit with his Big Sister
Hi Ella!

And why not thrown in a little Spring Training too??
I mean...

When in Rome...
This was my first Spring Training game.

And I am hooked.
So relaxing.
So Warm...
So, So nice.
And those children were probably the best behaved children I have ever seen in a ball park.

LOVE our Giants.
Even though they lost.


We also did a little Wedding Plan...
June of 2035 looks promising....

I also got to meet this Mister-Mister for the first time.

Somebody's mini-me

Clearly he hated me.

The whole weekend was spent hanging out...Just talking and eating and talking and eating and Wine.

Maybe a little too much wine...


Here is proof that we did clean.
Even Lindsey.

I didn't think about a group shot until 11pm on our last night together.
Can we talk about how hot my friends are?

And just for fun...
Let's enjoy a little more baby Owen....

Kim you are the best!
So, so, so glad I was able to come and spend time with you.  You are a true friend and I miss you so much we when are apart.  You make me laugh, and cry and laugh some more.
Thank you for having that adorable baby and making me come see you.
You are a wonderful host, and I can't wait to come back... 
But next time...

I'll probably have a Princess in tow...
Because there is nothing like Girl time....
and it's important that these ladies learn that wise lesson young.

Can't wait for next time!
Love you B's!


  1. These pictures are great. I'm sitting at my computer watching the snow fall outside, and I'm wondering why any of us left yesterday!

  2. I'm so happy you took such awesome photos (I took hardly any!!) I'm dying over that first pic of Owen and the one of Ella and Mason. Too cute!!

    Thank you SO much for coming out!! I had such a great time... I feel so lucky to have you girls in my life!

    PS I don't think that pic of us is THAT bad... We've definitely taken worse over the years... :) Love you!

  3. So glad you got to take time for the ladies. Such cute kids. And, it looks way past Summer's bedtime...

  4. So glad you have the Spring Training bug! Let's start planning next year... :)
