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Monday, March 18, 2013

Girl Gone Wild

I JUST had this conversation. 

Like within the last 48 hours.

I was bragging that my kids go to bed with ease.... my ONLY issue was with Madeline...

Occasionally she likes to turn her light on and play for a bit when she goes to bed.

I have given in to this.

If she needs 10 to 20 more minutes, and she is quiet as a church mouse, what do I care?  She gets enough sleep...and the worst I have found her is dressed in almost her entire wardrobe at once and her dolls all piled up in her rocking chair.

Totally Harmless.

Until tonight.

This is what I found tonight....
she found her pretty piggy nail polish that Oma bought her.....

and decided to paint her toes....
You know.....nothin like a late night pedi...

and mani...

And while she was at it...Why not give Bitty Baby the full spa treatment?

I mean... 


God Give me Patience.

Lots and Lots of Patience.


  1. I'm sooo sorry, but I cannot stop laughing....I believe it's called payback.

  2. Is it wrong that I also find this funny and oh so cute! I'm sorry.

  3. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry! So sorry for you and that cleanup!

  4. This might be my favorite post of yours, mostly because I don't have to help clean up!

  5. I'd call it a massacre of the dollies-- so funny!

  6. That is the best story ever. I'm sorry that you were a single parent that night and that you had to clean it up but that is hilarious!

  7. I can't stop laughing at this post. We were JUST talking about this and how innocent Maddie is at night in her room!! The look on her face is priceless. I hope it all cleaned up, and at least you have blackmail pictures forever!

  8. ok this really made me laugh and smile..much needed right now. Thanks Heidi
