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Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 on 10: March

Cuddle time with Daddy....

Barbie/ Doll/ Dress up time....

Shopping with Mom while others nap....

Afternoon Pick me up Jackie and Momma style....

Meltdown city....

Home-made car launch (with Dad's help)

Mmmmmmm  BBQ....

I finally made a batch of my miracle brew.....Treadmill and eating clean is too tough....
So Dr. Oz to the rescue.
Metabolism lifting tea.
I'll just drink this and be ready for Arizona shorts weather by Thursday...
Who needs to run???

Happy 10 on 10!


  1. Yes, I need some of that Miracle Brew! BTW...Who ARE you and what are you doing at Starbucks?!?! I would totally expect to see a soda cup in your hands!

  2. I love the 10 on 10, good job for remembering. I'm sorry, but even the tantrum is funny. I want some magic tea!!!
