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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend in Pictures x 2

It's been a loooong September....

I had every intention of telling you all about our weekend last Sunday...

But that didn't work out so well....

so you are getting a two for one!

Mr. Kirbyface has been working VERY hard lately.

Last week AND weekend Daddy had to work Day and Night.  Which left not much time to play with him.

And then This weekend....Daddy was on his annual Boys weekend in Minnesota.

So it was All Mom, All the time......

And if you are an avid reader of this know...All Mom, All the time is no fun for my chitlins.....Because Dad is Mr. Fun.  And Mom....not so much.....

So last weekend, I decided.  Mom is fun too!  Here is last weekend in photos:

Friday Night Clay took a *break* from work to go to the Sharks Game.  Dad and Mom came down and we had a Double Date.
Complete with Nachos!
(Thank you to Aunt Casey and Uncle Justin who completely spoiled my children while we had an evening out-They even kept them overnight!  So nice!...and Brave!)

After I picked the kids up Saturday Morning we headed to Jack's in Pleasant Hill for Pancakes.  Mom and Dad decided to stay and join in on our Weekend of Mom Fun.

After Breakfast we headed to the Farmers Market

Sampled the Goods

And got our face painted

After the Farmers Market we decided we should support our local merchants

Off to Sinful Bliss we went.
Some of us were not in a cupcake mood.

After a much needed nap-time we headed to Clayton's Octoberfest.  Which included carnival rides!

First Stop.
Fun House.

Then the rides.
I wish my Mom snapped a shot of the after.
(the smile was left at the top of this ride.)
But there I am!  Riding a ride with my Son.  See!  Mom can be FUN!

Madeline found Elmo on a Wand.  He had to come home with us.

We had a very full car.  Mom, Dad, Brit, Casey, the kids and me.

Skips in Clayton was PACKED

So we drove to Walnut Creek.
Mmmmmm Pizza.

 Mom and Dad left early Sunday.
So it was just the 3 of us for Noah's on Sunday.
With such a busy Saturday, Sunday was much more low key....
But we did find Jack's Halloween Costume, and had a nice Dinner with Daddy.

Before we knew it, it was Wednesday and time to say good-bye to Daddy.

Wednesday night we had pasta and salad with Aunt Casey.

Thursday night was quiet at home with just Mom.

Friday Night the fun started again.

Aunt Lindsey decided to Brave another year with me and the kids during Daddy's Boys Weekend.
I'm proud of her for giving us a second chance.
If you remember....
Last year was not pretty....

Mimi picked Jack up for Date Night
After "Dinner"

They headed to our local theater for their production of The Wizard of Oz.
As I have mentioned Shan has lots of connections in this town.  So prior to the Show when they were welcoming the Audience, there was a Special shout out to Jack welcoming him to his first Theater experience.  Which he LOVED.

After the show, since he was VIP, he was able to go back stage and "mingle" with the cast.
The Wicked Witch was his favorite.

Madeline had a "Date" of her own with Tasha.

And got her first Mani-Pedi
compliments of Spa de Tasha.
I still can't believe we found such an amazing sitter.
Madeline couldn't wait to show us her pretty new pink accessories

Saturday after I worked for a bit, we went out for Pizza, threw some coins in the fountain and splurged on Haagen Daz.

We had some down time

And some Catastrophic moments
Madeline's feesh didn't last two weeks....
(it's good to know that even the fake ones don't make it...)

Aunt Lindsey made it all better....

We opted to stay home for Sunday's breakfast.
Pancakes for the Kids
Feta, Spinach and tomatoes for the grown-ups.

So we did it.

With lots and lots of help.

Thank you to all who helped me.

Aunt Lindsey.
(I'm pretty sure Lindsey has had her fill of children, and can probably skip her birth control for quite some time........but....She is a good good friend and I'm hoping we can convince her next year to join us again)

We survived two weekends without Daddy.

BUT we sure did miss him......

Good thing his return is only hours away.

It's gonna be a fight to get the first hug in....


  1. I'm so sad about Maddie's feesh!

    And, Aunt Lindsey is a good friend. :) But If I know you two you fit some fun in there somewhere! :)

  2. Poor FEEEEEEESH!!! So many great pics, though. Especially of very fun Auntie Lindsey.

  3. The look on Jack's face at the cupcake place-- um, you have totally shot me that look on more than one occassion.

    I'm sure Mom time was awesome. :)

    Auntie Lindsey is the BEST!
