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Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Mary!

Happy Birthday Maria!!!

It's a given, that if someone has known me for any amount of time, then they know Mary.

Mary is my oldest and dearest friend.

Of ALL my friends that are in my life.  Mary has known me the longest.

She knew me before my first kiss, before my first boyfriend, before my first period, before my first sip of beer, before I could drive, before I could vote, pretty much before everything.

And through the years, she has been there.


Because that's who she is. 

My Friend Mary. 

And I love her.

We have never been able to agree on the details of how we met, but I can tell you, it happened in the girls bathroom, in sixth grade, at the Halloween dance, and tears were involved....

So our anniversary is quickly approaching, and I can happily say that Mary and I have been together like peas and carrots for 24 years this Halloween..... 


I just realized what I said.

(I probably should give her some flowers or somethin.....)

If I am in a bind, if I need a shoulder, If I need anything Mary is there.

No. Matter. What.
We have had some very good times together......
(I can not confirm nor deny that alcohol was involved in this photo)

She is always cheerful, always up beat, always Glass half full.  

Miss Sunshine.

Mrs. Sunshine now....


My Daughter ADORES here.
 She is always up for some time with Auntie Mary.
(who spoils her rotten by the way...)
Of course I can't complain...Mary spoils me rotten too...

She remembers every birthday, every holiday....

I'm there for her too....You know..Keep her supported...
(This photo is from our High School reunion.  I'm 7 months pregnant in this photo)

You would think with Mary and I knowing each other for so long, that I would be able to find more old photos of us...

But I didn't have much luck...

I did find this Gem though..

Here is Mary and her Older Sister
Floral dress....Frosted eyeshadow..
Good times...
Mary's family is my family.
 I call her parents Mom and Dad, as she does mine.
She has changed ALL of my brothers diapers.....
(How Awesome is that?- That's right Brit! Benny's fanny has been seen by Mary!)

I love this photo.  I feel like this pretty much sums up our friendship.  It's me saying.  "Mary! What the Hell are you talking about!"  and Mary very patiently explaining what she needs "Heid..."
So funny.

She is the friend of all friends.

Mary, I hope you know today and always how much you mean to me.  You are my forever friend, I know as we approach whatever life has to offer us...

We will still be together.


I love you.


Happy Happy Birthday Hot Stuff.


  1. Heidi: That was a great Birthday post. Thanks, for all you do. I am so glad to have you as my best friend. Your the best!! See you tomorrow for our fun day. That has put a huge smile on my face.
    Love you

  2. Happy happy birthday to Mary!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Mary!!!

    Enjoy your spa day-- if anyone deserves to be pampered, it is definitely you. Heidi is lucky to have you. :)

  4. Mary you are freakin' awesome! You also have greats words of wisdom. Love you!

  5. Happy Birthday Mary!!
    enjoy your couples massage :)

  6. Oh, Birthday Blessings to my second daughter! It seems like you've always been a part of our family! Love you bunches and gobbles....enjoy you spa day!

  7. Happy birthday, Mary!!! PS I have been trying to post this comment for 2 days... Stupid blogger!)

  8. Happy Birthday Mary! You ARE probably the most giving person I know:)Hope your day was great!
