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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Ann!

By now you know most of my family members through this whole Blog thing, but most are blood.  This next Birthday Post is for someone that has been "Married" into Our Crazy Family.

And I couldn't have selected a more perfect Aunt if I tried.
(have I mentioned that God always knows best)

Ann is Married to Uncle Joe.

I met Ann when Uncle Joe brought her to a family BBQ.  I had overheard my Aunt Kathy and My Mom discussing the "New Girl" Joe was bringing home.  There was a lot of discussion.  Mom mentioned to Kathy that if Joe and Ann ended up getting Married they already have a perfect name for their first born. Joanne.
  I thought that was quite amusing as an 11 year old.

So when Ann walked in the house and I met her for the first time, that's just what I told her. 

Not Hi.

 Not Hello. 

 I said, "My Mom said if you and Joe have a baby you can name it Joanne."

My Mother immediately shot me the "I'm going to Kill you when I get you alone" look.

and Ann....Just giggled, and said "Maybe" and winked at me.

I loved her instantly.

I loved her Tercel that was a stick shift that she would let me shift from second to third when she drove.  I loved the Heavy Metal Big Hair band music she listened to. I loved her Awesome Haircut and her pegged jeans.  She was the coolest. 


As it turned out, Joe did marry Ann. And we all were thrilled.

 She was the perfect girl.  

It's so much fun to absolutely love someone that is soon going to be a member of your family.  (I have the same excitement for Brit to join our family)

 Joe and Ann have 3 amazing kids.  None of which are named Joanne.

Ann is my Go-To for lots of things.  #1 on that list- All medical questions go through Ann first.  She is a nurse, and I have made her my own personal on call, all knowing medical advisor.  She is so calm, and always gives me exactly the amount of compassion I need mixed with the advice and guidance for whatever the circumstance may be. 
She's always there to listen to me when I need to bend her ear, no matter the subject. 
She is a wonderful example of a Mother.
An Amazing friend.
and an Aunt like no other. 

I'm so lucky to have her in my life.

Thank you Ann for all you do.

I love you!

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!


  1. So nice! Love the Joanne story!

  2. As Joe's parents, Alice and I both said that if we were allowed to pick Joe's wife it would be Ann. And we still beleive that.

  3. Oh, dear Lord. The humiliation. I think my cheeks are pink just reading that! Thank goodness she joined the family!! And, Pop, I remember dancing with you at their Wedding saying how we could not pick a better girl for Joe. Love you Ann and Happy Birthday!
