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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yes Jack-man! There IS a Tooth-Fairy!


It happened!

He had had enough, It was driving him crazy...Just hanging there....

and then with the help of Dad....

it came out!!
(with only a little blood-and NO TEARS!)

He was SO Excited!  

We have our toothless Grin!


He very happily put his tooth under his pillow, and went to bed.

And as we heard his little feet enter his room and shut his door, we both immediately started searching the house for cash.

We had  NOTHING.

Clay and I both never have cash on us.  
I even called Lynne next door and asked her if she had a dollar-

Clay had to run up to 7-11 and get some cash back!

But it was worth it, this morning when Mr. Jack-man found his gift from the Tooth Fairy
(Even if it was just 1 dollar)
It didn't matter to him in the least.  To Jack it was the same as $1,000,000.

Love that kid.
When did he get so big?  It really does sneak up on you.


  1. SO funny! And yes, the trip to Sev was totally worth it!

  2. Ohhh!!! So cute! It is so hard to believe they are old enough to be losing teeth!

  3. Did you check your couch? You have enough people over there all the time... there's bound to be a jackpot in there! :)
