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Saturday, December 31, 2011

As the year ends...

I'm reminded that I told myself that this year was going to be different...



That word has sooo many meanings.....

Let's review:

1) I promised I will not obsess about my weight....
(I'm pretty sure I mentioned dieting about 79 times this year in posts....In my defense...I did have 3 WEDDINGS to prep for this year...) 

2) I will go back to Weight Watchers.
(I did!  And lost 10 lbs!...and then gained it all back this Holiday Season)
*Solid B*

3) I will choose Carrots over Cornuts.
(We all know that didn't work out-Although I will say all Summer I was really, really good...and for Mary's pre-wedding prep too)

4) I will spend more time with my Kids
(This year I rode the Jet Ski, played IN the water, went down the slide, rode roller coasters, gave horsey rides, played dress up, and had Dance Parties in my bed- OF COURSE I would like MORE time with my kids, but I'm doin the best I can with a 50+ hour a week Job...and I think I did pretty darn good given that obstacle)

5) I will make date night happen.
( I think we did really, really well with this.  We had lots of nights of "Just Us" At least 8 "date nights" this year-plus one week with No kids!  That's adds up to more than once a month.  Pretty good if you ask me!  Thanks to my Mom and Dad, Brit and Ben, Casey and Justin, and Aunt Mary and Uncle Shane for all the sleepovers! With out you, Date Night would not have been possible!)

6) I will keep one room clean at all times.
(Who was I kidding with this one)

7) I will stop sweating the small stuff.
(Ummm...No comment)

8) I will drink water - 2 glasses per day
(I would say for 6 months out of this year I did!)
In my eyes...even at 50% that's still better that I thought I'd do.

9) I will play nice with others.
(again...No Comment)

10) I will not use the Treadmill as a clothesline.
(Well I didn't for January.....)

11) I will be thankful for what I have.
(I am.  So, So Thankful.  I truly have everything I need. And everything I could possibly want.)

12) I will be happy with who I am.
(I'm working on it...)

13) I will make more time for the Ladies in my life.
(I think I did pretty good with this one...everyone got their fair share of Heidi this year)

14) I will cook and Share.
(Cookies at Christmas, Lasagnas were given, I failed on the "you had a baby-here's a meal" But I will make up for that.)

15) I will take one day at a time.
(Why is it so hard for me to not think about tomorrow....)


Looks like I still have my work cut out for me in 2012.....

I think I'm just gonna work on this.

*Be the Best Wife I can be.
*Be the Best Mom I can be
*Be the Best Friend I can be.

*Be the Best Me I can be.

That's it.

I'm just gonna be Me.

and Everything else will fall into place.

Happy New Years Eve!

I'm excited to see what the New Year has in store!


  1. Good thing being you is just perfect! :) I think you did great with a lot of those. Playing nice with others is over rated... ;)

  2. Love you, just the way you are.

    p.s. you still owe me a "you had a baby-here's a meal". And, I expect interest.

  3. Um... I think you really delivered on the "you had a baby here's your meal"... but I guess you've got some work to do for V. And #13 you are always good at!

  4. I agree, you're great at #13 - A+++++! :) Love you.

  5. I believe you did quite well on do not give yourself enough credit. So, I will give it to did more with your kids in one summer than most do with an entire year! You tell your kids, "YOU CAN DOOOO IT!!" Now you need to hear it for yourself...'YOU CAN DOOOO IT!" Because I know you can, you have it, it's in there...just let it out...Love you!

  6. I had a baby and I didn't know I was entitled to a meal. Can I make requests? Can I also get some cookies too?
