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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Mimi!!

Happy Birthday Shan!!!

By now you all know my MIL.

Mimi, Shan, Shannon....etc.

Well today is HER day!

She is currently somewhere fabulous celebrating her special day with her amazing Sisters, but she should know..where ever she may be today, I'm thinking of her, and hoping her day is FANTASTIC!

It's no secret that she is a wonderful Grandmother.

My Children adore her.

It's also no secret that she is DEFINITELY  the Mother of my Husband.
(Same eyebrows, same smile, same laugh...the list goes on...)

We are so blessed to live as close as we do to my In-laws.  They help us in so many ways.  They are always up for an impromptu visit from their Grands, and I love that!

Shan has always been very hands on when it comes to Jack and Madeline.  She is SO good with them.  So patient, and thoughtful.  She will get right down on the ground with them and dive right in to whatever they are playing with.  My kids can't get enough of their Mimi.

She is already shaping Maddie into a mini-Parisian 
When they wave good bye, Maddie says Au-revoir!
I believe they have a trip scheduled in 2022.


Shannon always has a fun time up her sleeve.  She's always inviting me to some exclusive event, brushing me up on my etiquette, teaching me new decor terms, and how to bring life to the greatest antiques.  And I keep her current on the latest jeans or hottest shoes, and of course my favorite recipes. 

We share a love for cooking, time with our friends, decorating, a love of catalogs, a nice ladies lunch, Antiquing, traveling, and being a great wife, mother and daughter.

I am very lucky to have her in my life!

Thank you Shan for all you do!

We love you!


1 comment:

  1. Very Sweet! And yes, Mr. Kirbyface looks SO much like his Momma!
