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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good-bye Old Friend......

Today we had to say good bye to a very good friend.

Tonight our dog Trigger was put down.

He was so sick.
He wouldn't eat.
He wouldn't get up.
He was just not himself.

We took him to the Vet, and she confirmed what we already knew.  He had severe anemia, extremely low red blood cell count, and most likely Cancer.  

We had to make the very difficult decision to put him down.

It must be said.
Trigger was the best dog on the planet. 
He was loyal, and loving, and protective and full of life.

He was a housewarming gift to Clay and Me in 2000.  He was the most adorable puppy you have ever seen. He stole my heart immediately.

and then he chewed up my first pair of Via Spigas I ever bought.

And the love affair ended.
(I'm kidding) 

But it soon became clear that Trigger was definitely Clayton's dog.

They were the best of friends.

If Trig had to pee, he would nudge Clays arm to wake him up.  He wouldn't even attempt my side of the bed.  If I walked in the house he'd wag his tail, and look up.  But if Clay walked through the door, anyone standing in his way would be knocked over by that powerful tail.

Oh the tail.

It was like a bull whip.  So strong, and stung like a bee.

It was forever wagging.
When we first got Trigger, Clay's Mom called him wiggle butt.  When he wagged his tail, his entire rear end moved.

I have spent many, many nights alone without Clay home, and never worried because I knew Trig would protect me.  He had the most ferocious bark, but wouldn't hurt a fly.

He loved to stand in the kitchen when I cooked, because he knew there would be "treats" in his future.

He loved to swim.  He could even climb the ladder of our in laws pool.

He was so good to our kids.  He would let them jump and pull and tug on him, and wouldn't flinch.

Jack quickly became his second Best Friend.

Trigger and I had a silent love.  My time with him was when it was just us.  I would share my popcorn with him while I watched late night TV.  Or purposely through him a bite while I cooked dinner.  He always came up to check on me if I slept in too long.....Just to make sure I was still there.

He was the greatest.

and I will miss him.

very, very much.

Good Bye Trig.
We will always love you
September 17, 2000-February 10, 2011


  1. Oh, sweetie, such a sad and heavy heart. He will truly be missed. Dad and I are so very, very sorry.
    So glad he got to come to the lake and run through the hills with Stewart. Stewart knew something today....he did.
    So long Triggie....

  2. I'm so sorry you guys. :( I just told Matt and said, "Trigger? The Whip?" :( He will be missed.

  3. Trigger was such a good boy. I'm glad his suffering is over and you got to be with him in his last moments. So, so sad :(

  4. This makes me so sad!! Trigger WAS a good boy. I'm so sorry.

  5. So very sorry. He looks like such a sweet, sweet boy.


  6. I am so sorry to hear this, Heidi! I remember meeting Trigger at Roseanne's Bridal Shower. He was such a sweet dog! I hope you are ok.

  7. I'll miss him protecting your front door.
