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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daddy Does Hair

Madeline finally has enough hair to do something with.

My style of choice for her is usually the standard palm tree.

This weekend she did not want Mom to do her hair.

It had to be Daddy.

So for the first time in his life....

Daddy did his daughters hair

Not bad for his first try!

Such a good Daddy!


  1. That look Maddie's giving you in the last picture... I've seen that somewhere before... hm...

  2. Tegan is so right-- that last look is all Heidi. Clay did a good job!

  3. Ha! I agree!! Too cute. And yes, what a good daddy! All Josh knows how to do is put a clip in. I don't think he has ever touched an elastic band...

  4. When I saw that last picture my initial reaction was "Wow... I can not believe how much she looks like you!" But I guess I am not the only one that thinks that way. Good job daddy :-)
