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Friday, April 6, 2012

3 for 1!

I have been meaning to blog for quite some time...

I'm a bit behind...

Just ask my Mother...
She calls me daily and tells me she's tired of re-reading about Tenley....


Let's catch up:

Wednesday night we had a spur of the moment trip to one of our favorite destinations
How is it that we are just 26 miles from one of the greatest cities in the world, and we NEVER seem to go....


Madeline saw the Sea Lions for a second time...this time she might be able to remember. (more on that later)

She loved them.  
Jack called them Lyon Otters.

Not as many as there used to be.

My very good Friends Jen and Nick came to visit with their kids.

We had so much fun.

I'm hoping to get to spend some more time with them this Summer.

I just love this Lady!

We enjoyed the local cuisine.

And the view.

I feel like we should make this a regular event!

In breaking news....

Somebody got a new Barbie!

Why you ask??

Because we have Poop!

In the Potty!

It's an Easter Miracle!

We'll see how long it lasts....

Right now I'll just be thankful for small blessings. And I'm not ashamed I bribed my daughter.  I'd do it again.  And again.  And then Again.

( How is a Barbie any different than Fruit Snacks?  Except that it lasts longer and doesn't have the calorie count...I'm just sayin)

Don't Juuuudge me.

And for those of you who have missed it these last couple weeks...and to show just how long it's been since our last trip to San Fran with the kids...

Flashback Friday!

Madeline's first trip to the Pier!
(6 months old)


And Jack too!
(4 years old)

I'll try to keep up...
I know I've been neglecting my blog...

Maybe I'll have a guest blogger....

very, very soon...

And for those who are counting....

This post is my 200th post.


How time flies!


  1. Poop in the potty is more than Barbie-worthy, if you ask me. Good for Maddie! And you! And I will always think of high school when I think of Pier 39...

  2. I just laughed at the "don't juuudge me". I love you!

  3. We love, love, love SF!!! It looks like you guys had such a lovely day in the city too!!! Have you taken the kid to the exploratorium?
