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Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend in Pictures

I had not done major grocery shopping in WEEKS
I may have gone overboard.....
but Winco is a Mom's best friend.....Going Crazy at Winco isn't near the cost of going Crazy at Safeway.

Saturdays are SO busy for us.

Baseball per the usual...

This weekend was Pop's Birthday.

And the whole family got together.
Mmmmmm Tullios ...

It's been a family favorite for years.

Uncle Joe and Aunt Ann brought the kids Easter Baskets.....
complete with colored mustaches 

Which Everyone...




Love, Love, Love my Pop.

Happy Birthday to you Pop!  Here's to MANY more.

After lunch we had lots of energy to burn
so a neighborhood nerf gun party was in order

And some girl time...
(just in case you were wondering....YES those are snow boots with her sundress...and YES she dressed herself.  God help me when she's 13)

Uncle Ben taught Jack how to use
his new skate board the Easter Bunny brought him...

He's a natural.

Sunday was family day.
We headed out to the Lafayette Reservoir for some fun.

It is SO beautiful there... I may have to come back when I'm in a Running's the perfect place to enjoy the elements.

The kids had a great time.

And thoroughly enjoyed our picnic for 4.

For once my Sunday consisted of relaxing.

Now...back to the grind..


  1. These are such great photos. I miss you.

  2. I can't handle how big Jack looks on that skateboard.

    Such great pictures. And, I miss you too!

  3. When you get into a "running mood" you call me... ;)

    That is some SERIOUS grocery shopping. Makes me want to go to Winco!

    Happy Birthday Pop! :)

  4. Love all of these pictures! You packed a lot in you crazy woman!
