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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Christmas started as it always does...
With Mimi and Gumpy.

Mimi hit the nail on the head with this one.

Chef Madeline has been born.

Of course....

Everyone took a turn in the Hat.

Mrs. Claus dropped off our Christmas Pajamas while we were away.

Annual Christmas tree photo

This year we *may* have forgotten to make Santa's cookies.
But Mommy assured Jack and Madeline, that cookie dough in a tupperware container is just as good as freshly made cookies and Santa would be thrilled to give the dough to Mrs. Claus to whip up after a long night of delivering presents.

Uncle Nick and Chris were on the assembly line this year.

Here is the living room before I went to bed.  
(Do you see my new coffee table from Clay's parents???  Merry Christmas to me!  Love it!)

In the morning, Maddie couldn't be bothered with present opening.  She was hungry.  And She didn't mind one bit that we waited for her to scarf down some cereal before Christmas could begin.  1200 presents under the tree and all my kid wants is Cherrios and milk. 

Uncle Nick went all out this year.
Madeline got a new BMW convertible with dual speeds

and Jack got a power scooter.

Brit and I always find something fun when we shop together.

Santa was pretty good to me this year too....

Merry, Happy Christmas!!!


  1. Love it, and love those Christmas PJ's for the kids. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Love your Santa present!!! Such an incredible camera!! I think you may need to bring it with you on the 27th :0)

  3. Cracking me UP with the tub of cookie dough. Who ate it? :)
